Wednesday, March 23, 2005

juz watched last year cheerleading performance.. haha.. i look like a gunndu, i ran around finding my position when its in front of my own eyes.. after watching all the different performance by different groups, i duplicate the cd.. haha.. so now i haf a copy of my own.. oh ya... back to the f&n lesson juz now... me & nad took each other pics using nad's hp doing monkey face..
nadia face is the funniest... kept laughing & laughing.. showed mich, she laughed too.. then when i was about to start doing my research, 1 of my classmate from d&t class find me, say that i haf to go to temasek jc for the spots heat.. so i say bye2 to every1(i tink) and left the room..
we assembled outside the canteen and walked all the way from sch to temasek jc... quite far.. talk wif zurah on the way to the jc.. after the spot heats, went back to sch.. had our late recess and go back to our respective class... after lunch break the sec 4E/5N had english oral exam.. haha.. the conversation part is so easy... talk about internet... how does it benefit us & what are the pro's and con's oh having internet... i think i've talk alot, so i stopped.. then the examiner say.. erm, ok, u may leave.. then i say thank u cher and left the room...

some1 told me that there's cheerleading practice today, i asked when?, den she say 'now!'.. then i was like.. er... ok.. where? she said she not sure.. den said.. i tink its behind the sch canteen.. so i went there.. the lower sec already start practicing.. learn new steps juz now... haha.. only 2 boys came.. the rest of the boys cabut.. Mei Mei came back juz to teach us new steps for the dancing part... 2moro we going to have sapphire house meeting.. we need to take in more cheerleaders coz we're shortage of ppl... most of the cheerleaders last yr have already left the sch... if there's nobody hu wants to join, we haf no choice but to force them.. we only have a few days to practice as the sports day is on next thursday... if im not wrong, 2moro we going to start practicing on the stunts... sigh.. surely i'll be the 1 hu will be carried or thrown in the air coz im 1 of the small size and the lightest.. -bleah- klah.. i still haven iron my sch uniform for 2moro sch..


now im in sch.. tcher's absent... we r having f&n lesson now.. for 3 periods and that is equal to 2hours 45mins in this small home econ lab, without any tcher relieving us.. Cher msg a few of us including me, saying that we continue doing our O lvl proj, and some revisions... One hour juz pass and all i did was post pictures at ECP at multiply ..aS for the rest... they r listening to music, slping, chit-chatting.. if im not wrong only 1 student do revision.. im so hungry & cold... switch off fans already but still cold coz the air con temp is quite low.. hmm.. recess in 1 hour and the half... i think i better start doing my research... ok.. ciao..


Monday, March 21, 2005

there's a change in timetable.. monday after lunch have assembly as usual, tuesday after lunch we have math & mT lessons, wednesday & thursday got remedial.. while on friday there's malay & fnn remedial.. sigh... nvm.. few more months to go...


Sunday, March 20, 2005

Ytd went to mother's niece wedding at pasir ris... this morning went to bukit batok wif grandparents & sis to attend my uncle's wife sister wedding... the pelamin very nice.. very grand.. ok.. stop here 4 now.. haven finish my hw & 2moro start sch... oh ya... juz cut my hair.. haha.. luckily still can tie up... haha.. funny.. -bLeaH-


Saturday, March 19, 2005

no mood to blog..


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Please accept my apology(u noe hu u r)... Hope its not too late 2 apologise..

juz read ur multiply coz i juz remembered tat u gave me ur addy... 1 of the entry u wrote... i tink ur talking abt me.. im really2 sorry if ive acted tat way and be such an ungrateful fren 2 u.. i dun blame u if u pissed off wif me.. actually i dunno if u slp or didnt finish the test.. i heard if from sum1.. im sorry.. i shd haf asked u 1st if its true or not.. hmm.. u muz haf hate me very much tat point of time rite?.. mayb now, the feeling is still there.. i tink.. sigh.. cant blame u.. next time if u cant stand my attitude.. juz tell me k.. dun keep it to urself.. ya.. i tink i noe tat u n fren were unhappy wif me when having f&n lesson at com lab, i heard u opening my blog(i recognise my blog song..) and fren ask u to read sumting... i can sense tat sumting was wrong.. but i dun bother to ask.. to fren(i tink u also noe hu u r too..) im sorry k if i hurt u in any way.. ur entry really touched me alot.. heart abit pain.. like wan to cry also got... coz now i noe tat my attitude kind of sux... i've long realised tat i've left u out but u did the same to me too.. but do u noe that i am stricken wif grief?? and since i dunno wad i shd do, i juz act like nth happen.. i wanted to talk to u abt tis, but dunno how to bring out the subj out or scared u angry or wad.. so.. i tink i neglected u further.. even ms kaur notice.. btw... u will and always be a friend whom i cherish and loved most.. im really really sorry... :(


Im So tIrEd..

rEpORted OuTsIDe BEdOk lIbRaRy aNd coLlEcTEd oUR doNatIoN tIns,, mE, MiChELle & NaDiA wEnT tO pAyA lEbAr... aS wE wErE WaLkIng, We aSk fOR doNAtIon, MOst oF thEm dOnated.. wE tOoK a REst At thE MaC thErE.. aFteR rEst, wE wEnt cOLlectInG dONaTIons AgaIn.. thErE's a gRouP oF MAtS WaLkiNg PaSs mAc, NaDia caLLEd thEm aND aSk iF thEy wAnt tO dOnaTe,, 1 oF thEm sAy "tAnAklAh sEgan", sO i sHoUtEd BAck "eLEh, sEgAn KoNon.." sO 2 oF thEm WaLK TOwArdS naDia To Put SOme COinS... I WaS StAndInG BesIdE NaDiA And Juz SmIleD.. THeN A FeW Of THeM sAY "Eh, AkU PuN naK dOnaTe, TaPi KAt bUdAk Ni".. i RepIEd "uH..DoNATe uH.." thEn 1 oF thEm sAy.. "dah dONaTe, TaK KAsI nOmBoR Ke?" tHEn aNothEr fReN InTtErUpT "eNtAh, KiTe dAh dOnaTe TakAn taK dApaT pApe?" thEn i sAy "sApE cAkAp TaK dApAt PApe? NI DaPAt sTiCkEr... dapAt PaHaLa jUgak Pe.." thEn he SaY "aLaH.. TaK aCi Ah giNI, KaSi aH NomBoR.." NaDiA duNnO WaD's GoIn oN, sO sHE aSkeD mE "YAyA, aPE doRaNg cKp?" i saY "dORaND nAk NomBOR.." tHEn NAdIA FaCE cHAnGeD.. HAhA.. thEn wE sAy 'tiME KaSih' & wALk aWAy.. haHA... thEy KePt sAyIng "aLAh... kAsi Uh nO, KiTe DaH doNaTe,," HaHA.. sTupId BoiS... HAHa.. =p..
ThEn wE wEnt tO pARkWay... StAnd OuTSIdE thE sHoPpINg cEnteR.. thErE's So mAny gEnErOuS pEoPLe thErE... MosT oF thEm pUt tWo DoLlaR NOtEs aND $1 coINS aND 50cEntS... thErE's 1 pErSon wHo doNAtEd $10... mIcHeLLe TiN's ThE heAViESt.. iTs AlrEaDy 1.30pm So We HeAdEd BAcK tO bEdOk.. wHEn wE rEaChEd thErE, wE thOughT tHAt oUr tIns aRe thE lIghTesT, BUt afTEr cArryIng thE oHtEr's.. tHEiR's Is So lIgHT... i THiNk MiChElLe's TiNS thE heAViEst, NExT mE & nAdiA... wE WeNt TO thE lIbRaRy aND boRrOwEd soMe bOoks... thEn weNt tO thE cOfFeEsHoP to buY fOod aND i WEnT HOmE... mIcHELLe wEnt tO TM... i WaNtEd to acComPaNy hEr buT mY MOm MSg ME aSk mE IF i Can gEt HoME aS sOoN as pOsSiBlE coZ mY pArEntS HAVE tO aTtEnd tO sOMethIng aND nEeD mE to taKe CaRe oF mY aNnOyIng bRothErs..

thEy sO big AlReAdy, sTiLl NEeD Me tO BAbysIt... -.-!! wHEn i WaS aRoUnD thEiR aGe, i WAs giveN sO mUch fReEdOm aS to go aNywHErE i LiKE aLoNe oR wItH mY fRIEnDs.. my bROThErs, thEy CanT EvEn Go tO tM(qUiTe NEaR fRom my HSe) ThEmSeLf wItHouT mE oR mY SiS foLloWINg thEm.. HAha.. sErVe thEm rIghT.. HaHA.. i AsKEd my mOthEr oNcE wHy thEy CaNnot gO bY thEmsElF wHIlE wHEn mE N SiS wErE oNlY pRi 1 oR 2, wE CaN gO aNywHErE wE wAnT wIthOuT mY PaREnTs accOmpAnYiNg uS.. my Mom sAiD.. iTs bEcAUSe mE & Sis aRe giRlS wHILE mY brohtErs aRe boYs.. THen i LaUgh... fUnNy lA... cOz i tOt UsUaLly BoYs WerE gIvEn eArLiEr aNd mOrE fReEDom thEn giRls.. aNd tHE oHtEr rEASon my MOm GivE iS.. GiRLs caN TAKE bEttEr cArE oF thEmsElf ANd cAn bE tRusTeD.. mY MOM sAy sHE SCArEd mY bRo's mISbEhAvEd aND gEt iNtO tRouBlE, sO tHeY cANnOt gO bY thEMsELf,, HaHA..

KlAh,,,bEtTeR sToP bLoggIng NoW aNd wAtCh tv,,, aHAkz..TiReD uH dO hOMEwORk, eRm.. i ThiNk i sTaRt dOiNg mY Hw 2MorO.. sO i HoPe 2mOro i Wun gO oUt ANd Juz StAy At HomE..


YaYa & IsAbELl & MicHELLe.. Posted by Hello


WaTSon.. Posted by Hello


a gRp PiC... Posted by Hello


RUQaYyah & ShIKin.. Posted by Hello


aT HaIg rD Posted by Hello


mE & FiDa OutSidE iKiN's WkplAcE Posted by Hello


NaDiA & mE... Posted by Hello


mE & MiCh... -BlUEK- Posted by Hello


MiCHELLe Posted by Hello


Me & IsabELl pOsINg... i LoVe thE sCEnArIeS... So PeAcEfUl.. Posted by Hello


AgaIn.. HahA Posted by Hello


uS aGaIn....  Posted by Hello


MiCHELLe & HiDAyAh Posted by Hello


Me & IsabELl By thE PiNk BUsH.. Posted by Hello


mE & IsabElL Posted by Hello


MiCh & IsaBeLl Posted by Hello


NaDiA sHoWiNg SomE pLaNtS... Posted by Hello


NaDiA... Posted by Hello


NaD & FiDa neAr thE lAkE.. Posted by Hello


MiCh cuz & YayA.. haha Posted by Hello


FiDa & ME... thE tReE iS fUlL oF pInK fLoWeRs... NicE... Posted by Hello


mE & FiDa nEAr thE LaKe Posted by Hello


IsAbElL(MiCh Cuz), MiCh, NaD, Ms KaUr & mE Posted by Hello


caN u SeE thE tuRtLEs.. thErE's aLot u noe.. Posted by Hello


a bLaCk SwAn... cAn u sPot thE tuRtLEs? Posted by Hello


d U N 4 g e T 2 t A g
H Ere*
H is for Humorous
I is for Innocent
D is for Distinguished
A is for Athletic
Y is for Yummy
A is for Altruistic
H is for Hot
What Does Your Name Mean?

*__M e *
iM a HapPy-gO-LucKy gERL hU lOVEs To smILe..

*__L O v E *
x mY faMiLy x
x My fReNz x

*_H aT e *
x BaCksTaBeRs x x LiArs x x HEaRtleSs PeOplE x

*W is H iNG Li St *
x HaVe a neW Hp
x PasS mY "O" LevELs
x mAke eVErY1 aRouNd mE HApPy
x gOt lOts oF moNeY tO gO sHOpPIng

*m e m o r i e s *
*wHEn sPEndIng tiMe iN pRi sCh wIf mY beZ fReNs, hErLyNa & sHAfiKa..
*sPEnD tiME wIf mY cLosE fReN fROm wSsS, FiFi..
*haNg oUt wIf mIchElLE Q aND mY cLosE fReNz fRom cCsS
*wENt Out wIF mY fReNz to JaLAn rAya..
*hAnG oUT wiF mY siBliNgs
*hAng oUt wiF cuZiNs

*a C H i e Ve *
x September 2004
x October 2004
x November 2004
x December 2004
x January 2005
x February 2005
x March 2005
x April 2005

*___L in k s *

x sHikIn aKa iKin
x zUrAh akA @nGeL
x rUqAyYAh aKa RuQ
x Li JuAN
x mR aZrEeN aKa aBg aYiN
x MiRa
x DaEnG
x FaZiR
x MizZiE
x JeFfrY
x aMaNinA aKa sOtz
x CT
x SyIkEeN
x Li JuAN mUlTiPlY
x AzYAn
x MeI Yi

*_c r e d i t s *

x BlogSpot
x BlogSkins
x dolliecrave
x GiRl ZoNE


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