Saturday, December 11, 2004

iM bOREd AS uSuAl.. hMm.. mY cUzzIe JuZ AsKEd ME tO cHEck tIS WeBsITe OUT.. dEn i Go AnD cHEcK iT oUt... iT IS lIKe AnotHEr aStRolOGy tESt.. wAD iTS SaYs ABoUT ME
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You are Green Elephant, who is not pretentious and is a straightforward type of woman. People rely on you a lot. You tend to lack feminine flexibility and sensitivity, but because you don't depend on men, you can go about your business calmly and without being too emotional.You will not compromise, and your objective insight of things makes you look cruel and not having a charm. But you are not a cruel person at all. You like having your freedom, and just don't want to be restricted.You are not a shy person. You will have lots of relationship with men, and you know what type you like. You work hard and you learn hard.You have flexibility to a certain extent, and will not be discouraged so easily. Nevertheless, you take time in finding about yourself. You love peace, and will not get into conflict. You have perseverance, so if you get really angry, conflict will be protracted. Your life is steady and you are an economic person. You will not go buying things on impulse. Although you are an active person, you tend to lack reading people's feelings, so be careful not to become isolated.You are a very straightforward person, and can act quickly. But if you be too cautious, you tend not to be able to express your loving feelings. Nevertheless, you are good at looking after others, and have lots of chance for romance. After marriage, you will be good wife and a mother.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
aS uSuAl.. i DUNnO iF WaD iT sAYs iS tRuE... suMtiMEs wAd iT sAys iS aLL thE oPpoSiTe RiTE? hEhE.. dUNnO lA..cANt rElY oN tHIs tHIng so mUch..sO i TiNk i nEeD sOMe ComMENts aBouT THis.. iF WAd tHIs aStRolOgy cAn bE tRusTeD oR nOT.. sO pOSt uR coMmENt k...


Wednesday, December 08, 2004

~08 DeCEmBEr 2004~
~Went out wif michelle..~~suppose to meet at 1215noon~~but mich over slpt then change the time to 1pm ~~she's late for aboUt 12 mins.. haha ~~went to tm...~~then went to orchard..~~walk2.. then went to watch bridget jones 2...~~interesting story.. but starting part was kind of boring..~~then walk2 again..~
~tOoK sOME neOpRiNT..~
~tHEn ConTinUE ouR sHOpPiNg sPrEE~~den took a train and went to bugis.. ~~we walk2 again.. ~~went to esprit shop and bought a bag n a shirt...~
~then took the train back home...


Tuesday, December 07, 2004

~07 dEcEmBEr 2004~
a VErY tiRiNg BUt fUn dAy fOR mE... eArLy MOrNIng WenT tO JoHor... aTe aT tHE cOffEe sHOp thErE... thEn cAnt gO sHoPpINg coz iTs tOo eArly ANd MoSt ShoP iN tHE sHoPpIng cEnTrE hAVeN oPen yEt.. sO cAlLEd mY AuNt wHEtHEr sHe's gOnNa bE aT hoMe oR nOt.. sO sINcE sHE iS... wE tOok a CaB aND wEnt To hEr HOuSe At JAlAn SeRaMA.. dEn atE RoTi CANaI.. aCtUAlly iM fULl bUt i FoRcE mYsElF tO eaT iT... dEn aFTEr a fEw hOurS wE wEnt To AnGsANA sHOpPinG cEnTEr... BoUGhT NeW cLothEs fOR mY bRotHERs, thEn mE aND sIBlIngS bOuGhT nEw PAiRs oF rOLLEr BLaDEs eACh.. HAha.. dEn aTE aGAin.. aTe cHICkEn rICE.. ThE cHIcKEn rIcE vERy NIcE.. tHE cHIcKEn iS sOFt ANd JUiCy.. yUm2.. dEN heAd BAck tO mY AuNT HoUsE.. pLAy wIf mY NieCE.. thEn WeNT HOmE.. REaChEd hoME aT 10pM PLuS.. a FeW mINs tO 11pM.. tODaY FEeLs LiKE i'vE bEeN eATiNG thE wHOlE dAY.. hMM.. IT wAs fUn... jUZ eAt & eAt... dUnNo wHY, but aLThOuGH iM fuLl, i cAN sTilL eAt AnD eAt.. hAHa.. sO Gd.. yEAh.. iM goIn to GaIN wEiGht sOoN... YEah.. haha


Sunday, December 05, 2004

~04 DeCeMbEr 2004 - 05 DeCEmBEr 2004~
HaHA... sErVe mE rIgHT fOR nOT gOInG tO thE cLinIc iN tHE fIRSt pLacE.. noW bEcOmE mOre sIcKEr aLReAdy.. sO nO ChoIcE, i WeNt tO thE fAmiLy ClINic neArbY.. goT lOts oF mEd tHat i NEed tO eAt... bUt thEn, i WiLl oNLy eaT thE mEd foR coUgh, tHe rEst, i WiLl oNly EaT iT oNly iF i FeElS lIke iT.. HaHA.. hMm.. tHEn aT aBouT 9pm, mE, mY mOm, my sIs & BrO's WeNt oUt.. wE hAD oUR dINNEr aT thE coffEeShoP.. aND thEn We wEnt tO mY gRaNdma's HoUSe.. rEaCh HOmE aRoUNd 12 MIdNIgHT plUs.. tHEn aTe My MEd... & ChAt WiF mY cUz WHiLe DoiNg aNOtHEr WeBsITe cAlLEd 'mY sPaCE' & aLsO uPdAtINg My BlOg.. NOw iTs AlReAdy 04.40plUs aND iM sTiLL nOT sLEePIng... KlAh... i BETtEr sToP noW & gEt sOMe sLeEp..


Friday, December 03, 2004

~3 DeCeMbEr 2004~
HaHa.. i GoT nth bEtTEr tO dO sO i WeNt tO 1 wEbSiTe tHAt teLLs mE aBoUt mY aStRoloGy.. mY rEPoRt Is aS ShOWn..
- The Inner You: Your Real Motivation -> Quiet, deep, emotionally complex and intensely private, you are not a person who is easy to get to know and understand. You are extremely sensitive but disinclined to show it, and you allow only a special few into your inner world. Like a wary animal, you are cautious and mistrustful of those you do not know until you "sniff them out". You are very, very instinctive and intuitive. You usually have a strong, immediate gut reaction to people, even though you may be unable to clearly articulate why you feel as you do. Your feelings and perceptions go deeper than words.
- Mental Interests and Abilities -> You have good mental concentration and the ability to become completely immersed in your work. You seem to know things at an instinctive, nonverbal level and prefer learning through direct experience or apprenticeship rather than vicariously via books or lectures. You have mechanical ability and work well with your hands. You could become adept at sculpture, pottery, carpentry, stained glass, or anything that involves doing and making things manually. Biology (and related fields such as medicine) interests you as well. You also have an instinctive rapport with animals, and may feel you relate better to them than to people! You tend to become narrowly focused upon your own specialized interests and may not have much to say or communicate outside that field.
i DuNno if wHaT iT sAys iS tRuE.. hMm.. mAyb sOMe oR mOSt oF iT iS tRuE.. DuNno LaH, iM nOt sUre eItHEr.. Ok tHAt's aLl foR noW.. NoW i wAnt BAKe 5 cAKe, wIf mY mOm.. oNE oF mY cUZ, i 4GOT WhiCh 1, OrDeReD FroM mE dURiNg rAya foR aN ocCaSIon fOR 2MoRo oR thIs sUndAy, dUnNo 4 hU's wEdDing... HaHA.. iM sUch aN IgNoRaNt giRl(mY sIS uSuALlY saId thIs tO mE).. hAhA.. cOZ i dUn bothEr tO nOe wHAt's HaPpEniNg aRoUnd Me.. :p hAhA.. nVm LA..


Thursday, December 02, 2004

~02 dEcEmBeR 2004~
juZ NoW i aCcOmPANy MY sIS tO tAn toCk sEnG hOsPiTaL.. coZ mY sIS nEeD tO taKE vAcInNaTiOn, hEpaTiTIS A... tHEn aFtEr thAt wE wEnt tO noVEnA sQuAre, wE aTe KFC.. hAhA.. i DuNno wHEn iM gOINg tO gEt sICk Of EatIng cHiCKEn... HAHa.. eRk.. dUnNo wAd
eLSe tO wRite.. hMm..oO yA... iM sTiLl sIck.. i DiDnt eAt meD coZ thE meDicIne At hoMe fINiSh aLReADy.. thEN jUZ noW aT thE hOspiTaL.. i DuN1 tO c DoC, sTuPiD rITe.. HAhA.. klaH.. ThAt's aLL..


Wednesday, December 01, 2004

~1 DeCEmbEr 2004~
2dAy iS thE fIRsT dAy oF thE moNtH.. I DiDnT gO aNyWheRe 2DAy.. i StAYed aT hOmE
aNd WaTCh teEvEe thE wHOLe DaY.. thEn aT nIte.. mY sIbLiNgs And i Get sColDeD bY mY DaD.. sOMetIMEs hE cAn bE aBiT uNrESoNaBlE.. u WiLL gEt sCoLDeD eVEn thoUgh iTs noT uR fAuLt.. eG.. jUz nOw We wAtChiNG sInGaPoRe iDol.. dEn i cHAngE thE chAnNEl 4 a WhiLE.. thEn mY dAd toLd mE tO chAngE bAcK.. mY sIS toLd my DaD "wAit 4 aWhiLE, wANt tO cHEck gOt wAt oHtEr sHOw" iN maLAy.. dEn hE wALKed To thE tV & sWitCh iT oFf.. hE wEnt tO hiS rOoM.. thEn hE cANnOt fINd hIs rEmoTe cONtRol.. So mY siS wEnt To hiS RoOm tO hElp mY dAd fiND iT.. hE sAid wE lOSt iT cOZ wE (mY sIBLiNgs n ME) r thE oNeS hU uSuALLy wAtcH tV iN hiS rOoM.. i wAs sTiLl iN thE liVinG rOom bUt caN hEaR vEry cLeArLy wAD hE sAiD tO mY SIs wHEn mY sIS sAiD shE dID noT lOSe tHE rEmoTe cONtrOL.. hE sAId oN toP oF hiS voIcE, iN mALaY "IF I SAY U LOSE IT, MEANS U LOSE IT LA.." thEn i DuNno wAd mY sIS tAlk bAcK to HIm & sHE lEfT thE rOoM.. tHen hE cALLEd mE tO hiS rOoM.. dEn ASk mE tO fiND tHEm wIF mY sIS.. thEn wHEn hE lEfT THe SiS & i sWiTcH oN thE tV iN hiS rOoM & cONtiNue wAtcHInG thE sIngApoRe iDOl.. HAHa..


d U N 4 g e T 2 t A g
H Ere*
H is for Humorous
I is for Innocent
D is for Distinguished
A is for Athletic
Y is for Yummy
A is for Altruistic
H is for Hot
What Does Your Name Mean?

*__M e *
iM a HapPy-gO-LucKy gERL hU lOVEs To smILe..

*__L O v E *
x mY faMiLy x
x My fReNz x

*_H aT e *
x BaCksTaBeRs x x LiArs x x HEaRtleSs PeOplE x

*W is H iNG Li St *
x HaVe a neW Hp
x PasS mY "O" LevELs
x mAke eVErY1 aRouNd mE HApPy
x gOt lOts oF moNeY tO gO sHOpPIng

*m e m o r i e s *
*wHEn sPEndIng tiMe iN pRi sCh wIf mY beZ fReNs, hErLyNa & sHAfiKa..
*sPEnD tiME wIf mY cLosE fReN fROm wSsS, FiFi..
*haNg oUt wIf mIchElLE Q aND mY cLosE fReNz fRom cCsS
*wENt Out wIF mY fReNz to JaLAn rAya..
*hAnG oUT wiF mY siBliNgs
*hAng oUt wiF cuZiNs

*a C H i e Ve *
x September 2004
x October 2004
x November 2004
x December 2004
x January 2005
x February 2005
x March 2005
x April 2005

*___L in k s *

x sHikIn aKa iKin
x zUrAh akA @nGeL
x rUqAyYAh aKa RuQ
x Li JuAN
x mR aZrEeN aKa aBg aYiN
x MiRa
x DaEnG
x FaZiR
x MizZiE
x JeFfrY
x aMaNinA aKa sOtz
x CT
x SyIkEeN
x Li JuAN mUlTiPlY
x AzYAn
x MeI Yi

*_c r e d i t s *

x BlogSpot
x BlogSkins
x dolliecrave
x GiRl ZoNE


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