Tuesday, November 30, 2004

~29 NoVeMBEr 2004~
i DuNno WaD tO wRiTe FoR 2DAy.. Nth mUch HApPen..JuZ thAt i dID Nth buT wAtCH tV thE wHOlE dAy.. maYb nOt thE wHOLe DaY.. wEnt ouT foR a WhiLE.. gO sHOp buy sUMtiNg.. hMm.. ThaT's AlL foR 2Day..

~30 NoVeMBer 2004~
2DaY iS aN eXCiTinG DaY fOR mE... i WeNT oUT wIF mY faV COuSIn aND sIS.. *wINks* ;) mY cUzIN aSkEd mE aND mY sIS oUt.. wE hANg oUt aND wEnt sHOpPing aT oRcHArD.. wE WeRE SuPpoSe tO mEeT aT 1pm bUt mY cUZziE neEd tO rUSh oFf tO wErk aND wE dEciDeD tO meEt aT 3pm.. mY sIS iS aLWaYS LaTe.. ShE liKEs tO tAke hEr oWn sWeEt TiME...thEN wE rEaChEd aT 3.30pm.. haHA.. LUcKiLy mY cUzZie alSo lOSt tRaCt oF thE tIMe aND sHE neEd nOT wAit sO lONg foR mE n SIs.. wE Had oUR laTe lUnCh aT sAkURa aT fAr eAsT pLaZa.. sHE tReaTINg uS.. sO sWeEt oF hEr.. :) HAhA.. wE madE a DeAl tHAt iS... We aRe nOT sUpPosE tO eAt oUr uSuAl foOd thaT wE uSuaLLy oRdEr.. sO tHAt mEaNS nO hoNg koNg hoR fuN foR mY sIS, nO tHAi frIEd rICe FoR mY cUzZIe aND NO toM yam nOoDlE fOR mE.. :P sO aFtEr wE maDE uP oUR mINd, wE oRdErEd cRisPy eGg NoOdLE foR mY SIs, cLaYpOt ChiCkEn rICe fOR mY cUZzIE aND HOtPlaTe fRieD sEaFoOd fOR mE aNd mY cUz oRdErEd sOtOng BALl fOR sIDe DisH.. ITs VEry dELiCioUs... 2mORo mY cUz JoB nEeD To dReSs uP.. wOAh.. sO fUn.. sO wE wEnt sHOPping, mY cUZ bOUgHT clOThEs And AccEsORiEs fOR hEr woRk.. anYwAY sHe bOugHT hERseLf aLOt oF sTuFF lIKE beLt, bRaceLEt,fiNGer gLOveS, jAp soCk, trRying tO loOk LikE biKEr...hEHehE...weLL i LikE tHe hAt... iTs coOL & nICe... i tHiNk iT LoOk LikE aLiciA kEy hAT... coOL!! tHen wE hEaD tO wISmA... wENt tO fOreVeR 21 shOp... i tHinK tHE pRiCE tO pRicY FoR mE... MayBE wHEn iM oLDer... hEHehE tiLL tHeN iTs sTILL tHiS fAShioN...buT tHE aCcesOriES aRE aFForDabLe... I tiNk... HEhEHe... weLL mY cuZiN bOUghT a pAnT aND fEw bRoOcH... tO ouR suRpRizE sHE bOUghT 2 fLowEr bEoOCh fOR mE & mY siSTeR... iTs gORgeOUs... i'Ll sUReLy wEaR IT neXt TimE ... tHeE wE wEnT tO zArA... tO meEt hER siS wHIcH iS aLsO mY cUziN... WhIle WaITiNG fOR mY OtHeR cUziN tO fINisH wORk wE LOok aRouND... wOw iT sO eXPeNsivE....afTeR sHe FIniShED WorK...wE wEnT tO cENtRePoINt.... aFtEr a FeW wINdOW sHoPpIng We wENt tO cOfFeEbEaN.... iTs nICE... buT mY sIS dUn dRInk cOfFEe sO sHE cHoOsE tEa, BUt ShE diDNT nOE iTs lATtE.. cOz sHE dUn dRinK mILk, sHE's aN lAcToSe iNtoLErAnCE.. sO sHE SwITCh HeR dRiNk wIF mY cOuSIn.. i HaD a hoT cHoCoLATe wITh lATtE.. iT wAs niCE... mY cOuSinz aLsO bOughT CaKE.. a PiEcE oF cHOcoLaTe cAKE aND a PiEcE oF cHeEseCaKE.. i tRiEd bOTh.. iT wAs TaSty.. yUm2.. bUt mY siS dIDnt tRy thE cHEeSecAke cOZ iT IS maDe fRoM miLk..


Sunday, November 28, 2004

~27 novEmBEr 2004~
hMm..JuZ noW aRouNd 2pm wEnT oUT fRom hoUse... wEnt tO bUkIt bAtoK, mY aUNt hOUsE.. buT sHe's noT hoME.. sO mY FaMIly aNd i WeNt tO juRoNg.. wE wEnt To mY uNCLe hoUSe.. hAhA.. THe tWins aRe TheRe.. hEHe.. sO FuN.. thEy sO cUTe.. thE vOIcE vEry SofT.. HAhA.. thEn aFtEr a WhILE.. aLoT oF PeOpLE sTaRt ComMinG.. aLmOst aLl oF thEm i NOe, Coz thEy'Re mY aUnT aND UNcLEs aND cOUsINs... dEn We eAt aND eAt.. thE FoOd vErY dElIciOus.. :) yuM2.. thEn rEaCheD HomE aT 11pm pluS.. dEn I tOok a ShoWer aND gO oNliNE.. thEn chAt wiF fReNz.. hMm...

~28 NoVEmBEr 2004~
wENt tO 2 HOusE 2dAy.. BoTh oF thEm iS mY mOm's cHiLDhOod fReN.. i DrAnk aLot Of gAsSy dRInks aGaiN aND aTe AloT oF cHoCoLAtEs.. noW mY thRoAt fEeLs dRy.. iM gOIng tO lOSe mY vOICe sOon.. thEn wHEn i ReaChed HOMe.. arOUnD 8pm oR 9pm, mY UNcLE fRoM mY mOm sIDe cAllEd.. hE's cOmMIng To mY hOUsE wIF hIS fAmiLy.. sO i hElP tiDy uP aBit anD noW.. HERe i Am, tYpIng aWay.. okIEs.. Gtg.. i TInk thEy're On thEiR wAy.. wHIle WaITIng fOR thEm.. i TiNK iM goInG tO WaTCh tEevEe.. noW goT 1 ChiNEse sHOw.. It LoOks inTEreStINg


Friday, November 26, 2004

26 nOvEmBEr 2004
hAhA.. iM sTiLl sICk.. buT i dIdnT eAt aNy mEd & dIDnt c DocTor.. buT iM fEeLiNg mUch bEtTer thAn yEstErDaY.. MAyB coZ i DraNk lOts Of pLaIN wAtEr.. 2MoRo gOinG oUT.. mY fAmIly And i gOing tO mY rElAtiVEs HOuSe uNtUk bErAYA lAgI.. HAha.. oKIes.. sTop hErE fOR noW.. SaYonArA..


Thursday, November 25, 2004

~iM sICk~
iM nOt fEeLinG wElL 2Day.. mAyb coZ coNsuME toO mUch GaSsy dRiNks..hAd a sLighT fEvEr aND cOugHing nOn sTop tILL mY stomAch & thRoAt huRts... hMm.. iM noT gOInG aNYwHEre, sO nEvErMInD.. :p


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

~ jALaN RaYa - 23 NoVeMbEr 2004 ~
WeNt Out.. gI jLn RaYA wiF 13 OTHeR FriEndS.. i WeNt oUt WiTh sOfiYah, ZuL, FaZiR, HuZai, FaTHulLaH, aMiRah, HaNidAh, iKin, RuQ & bF, niSa, DaENg & NaDiA... wE tOoK aLot oF pIcTuReS toGeThEr.. iT wAs fUn.. ;) hAhA.. hMm.. NOw iTs goIng tO 3aM.. bUt iM sTiLl wIde AWaKE.. oNly FeEl aBit TiRed.. nOw iM cHaTtIng Wif iKiN aT mSn & sMsiNg PeOple.. hmM..


Monday, November 22, 2004

hMm.. suPpOse tO mEeT mIchElLe aT 1pM BUt shE SmS mE aT 12nOoN tHaT sHE cAnNot MAkE iT cOZ hEr GraNDFaThEr's COnDItIOn gEtTinG WoRsT aND shE nEeD tO gO HOsPitAL.. fEeL sO sAd foR HEr.. cAn sEe ThaT ShE rEalLy CaRes AloT FOr HEr GraNDfaTHer.. oh wElL.. ITs Ok.. HEr gRaNDfAthEr iS mORe IMpoRtAnt thAN thIS oUTiNG.. sO nVm.. hMm.. nOW iM tInkiNG WAd i WaNt To Do NOw... hEhe
hMm.. juZ nOW aRoUnd 9pm pLUs, mY fReNz.. aRouND 15 pEoPlE cAmE tO mY hOuSe.. thEn aFtEr thEy WEnT hoME, mY sIS aND HEr fREns arOUnd 7 oF thEm aRriVEd aT 10pm pLuss.. nOw iM fEeLiNg kiNd oF tiReD.. bUt Its Ok.. iT waS fUn mEeTiNG aLl oF thEm.. eH.. nOW 1.35aM pLUs aLReaDy.. lAter mEeTiNg mY fReNz aT 12.30nOoN.. Gi JAlaN RaYa.. :p oKIes.. i WaNt tO WaTCh MAlAy dRAmA.. tHEn gET sOME rEst.. bYEs..


Sunday, November 21, 2004

21th NoVeMbEr 2004
2day is MicHELLe'S 16th BiRthDAy.. HAPpY bIRthDaY mIcHELLe.. 2MOro iF ouR pLAn WoRkINg.. i giF YA uR bDaE pReSent.. hMm.. nOW.. ONly mE And My BrOthErs aT hoMe.. mY sIs gO hEr tCHer's hoUsE coZ gOt oPEn HouSe.. wHILe mY PArEntS gO buKiT PaNJAnG foR a WhiLe, Got SomEthiNg To aTtEnD tO..
AfTer THis i NEeD tO cLEAn uP aBiT.. CoZ mY aUntIEs aNd CouSiNs aRe ComMiNg fOR hArI raYA.. i HoPe mY PArEnt'S wiLL bE bAck WhEn thEy aRriVEd.. CoZ i duNno hoW tO 'layan' tHEm.. iTs NOt thAt i DuNnO hoW atTeNTaIN tHEm.. JuZ thAt iF thErE's aLot Of pEoPLe, hoW aM i goiNg To CopE eVEryThiNG mYseLF, nEeD pOuR thEM dRinKs AnD dO aNyTing tHAt Is NEedEd.. AnD aNothEr thIng IS.. latEr i WIll sUReLy bE vErY clUmSy aND BlUR2..
oH nO... hoW coME sUDdEnLy mY HOuSe vErY pEaCefUL?.. HOw ComE SudDeNly thE NOiSe thAt ComEs fRom mY 2 LiL iRrItATinG bRothErs stOp?.. wAIT2.. i bEtTA gO cHEcK oN ThEm.. oK.. iM baCk.. hAHA.. No wONdeR sUdDEnLy vEry QuIet.. ONe oF thEm nEedS thE tOIlEt uRgEntlY wHILe thE oTheR iS WaTChiNg tV aLONe... HAhAha..
hMm.. i hElPeD MIrA tO pUt thE taG tHIngY On hEr BLog ANd LiNk HEr FrIEnDs.. MIrA.. ItS doNE! HehE.. iF nOt sAstiSfiEd.. iM VEry SoRry CoZ i DunNo wAd coLoR u WaNT it
To BE.. nVm.. u CAn CoME fINd mE aND sColD mE.. aFtEr thAt i HElP u ChaNge THe ColOr aGAin.. okIEs.. wOAh.. jUZ NOw go FrIEndsTer.. GoT 1 GErl aDD mE.. sHE's OnLy 12 YEaRs Old.. So yoUng... sHE cHEaTeD heR aGe, sHE pUt 18yRs OLd.. eH.. i Also chEaT mY aGe.. bUt mINe aT lEaSt oK lA. hEHe.. coZ oNly 2 YRs MOre.. bUT HEr's.. 6yRs mORe.. hAhA.. iF yOU dUN uNdErSTAnD.. ItS OK.. HEhE.. NvM lA.. oKIEs.. mE gTg.. NEeD cLEaN mY TaBLE.. sO mEsSy wIF aLL mY SiS sTuFf.. =p


Saturday, November 20, 2004

20 NoVEMbEr 2004
mY CouSiN's FaMILy cAME 2 my hOuSe 2Day, AroUnd 1-2pm, HEHe.. ThE tWinS cAMe..thEy'Re sOoOooOo cUTe aND vErY aDoRaBle.. aFtEr tHat mY fAmIly FoLloW thEm gO jAlAn RaYa.. We WeNT tO mY gRaNDmA's sIsTEr hOuSe aND mY mOM's AuNt hOuSe aND mY aUcLe's HoUSe.. wE wENt thErE bY cAR.. NoW, mY faMIly AnD i iS wAitInG fOR mY UncLe's FaMIly tO cOmE tO my HOusE.. HE cALleD jUZ nOW aND tOld uS thAt HE coMmIng tO mY hoUSe aS sOoN hE FiNIsHeD HIs wORk.. aRoUnd 7-8.. hMm.. CaN't WaIt To SeE mY aNOtHEr cUte LiL cOUSIn.. hAhA.. OKieS.. i TinK thEy rEaChiNg SoOn.. sO i TiNk iM gOiNG tO wAtCh tV UntIl thEY rEaCh My HouSe.. oKIeS.. aDiOs aMiGos...


Friday, November 19, 2004

iM WaTcHIng teEvEe aS uSuAL.. THen thE dOoRbELL RaNG.. iT wAs My bRoThEr'S fRen.. sIgH.. nEeD gO kiTCheN tO fILL uP thE EmpTy cONtAiNErs wIf mORe KuiH RaYA.. cOZ mY bRothErS aND sIS aND I fiNisH iT aLL uP(i TinK i AtE thE mOsT aH.. HEhe).. dEn HElP mY bRoThERs PouR dRiNKs fOR hIS fReNs.. AftEr thAt i WenT bACk iN mY RoOm aND gO oNliNE buT i PuT mY StAtUs BuSy cOZ i sTiLL wAtChinG teEvEe.. i ThINk i WatChiNG cArToOn.. HAhA.. hU cAreS.. eVEn SoME olD pPl noWAdaYs WaTch caRtOoN.. dUNnO WhY sOMe PpL sAy CaRToOns fOR cHIlDrEn oNlY.. thEn aT 08.30pm i WaTCh SinGaPOre IDol.. TauFik AnD sYLvErTEr gEt tO thE GrAnD fINaLe.. noW.. iM bOReD aS usUAl.. HMm.. 2MOro'S mY UNcLE coMmINg tO mY hSE.. yEah.. GeT tO sEe mY LiL cUTe CouSiNs.. thEn MAyb AfTer ThaT mY faMIlY GoINg oUt.. Gi jLn RaYa.. AhAK2..


Thursday, November 18, 2004

18 novEmBEr 2004
hMm.. i DuNno WAd tO wRitE 2DAy... hMm.. yaH.. rEAlly Got NO iDeA wAd tO wrITe.. mY mInd IS bLaNk.. bUT iTs oK.. aT leAsT i goT WrIte SumtiNg.. hMm.. iM aBit SiAo sIAo 2daY, kLah.. NOt abIT.. MAyB aLOt, bUt i StiLL caN tiNk sTraIGht.. eH.. waD aM i TalKInG aBOut.. hMm.. i BEttEr sTop noW oR eLSe.. hMm.. duNNo waD's gOnNa haPpEn NEXt Coz i HAvEn tINk abOUt iT yEt.. nVm.. i'LL tELl yA WaD's GoIn To hAPpEn NExT IF i KEpT oN goINg aND gOInG aS sOoN aS i MAde uP mY mInd k.. eh.. MaKe uP mY miNd aBOuT wAd hUH.. nvM.. 4gEt iT.. i TinK iM jUz ConFusINg mYseLf wiF waD iM saYinG rITe NOW.. mAyb coZ iM fEeLiNg tOo boReD.. maYb..


Wednesday, November 17, 2004

2Day mY bRo's FrEn cAmE tO mY hoUse.. 7 oF thEm... As fOR mY sIS aND mE.. We dIDn't Go AnYwhErE, eH.. goT.. We wEnt oUt To bUy DouGhnUT.. aHAhAha.. thEn i HElp mY siS wIth HEr BLog... sHE wAnt mE tO heLp HeR pUT thE taG tHIngY... i HeLP hEr tO dO HEr BlOg, sHe jUSt sIT BesIde mE aND sAy "ok, cAn, dUn1 TaT 1,i WaNt tAt coLoR, eh nIcE oR nOt, ANyTinG lA.." Eh SiS iF yOu rEaD thIS... wAD i WaNt tO sAY iS.. gO maKe aNOthEr BlOg La buT.. nOW dO eVErYthINg uRsElf k? hAHA.. iM bOREd aS uSuAL... hMm.. 2DaY iS thE fOUrtH daY oF hArI RaYA.. OKiEs.. thAT's aLL.. DuNno WaD tO wRitE sOmEMOrE.. bYEs.. ciAO :)


Tuesday, November 16, 2004

celebrate my bdae like any normal days.. but its ok... im 16.. haha.. at least some still wish me happy bdae. michelle say next Mon she want to celebrate my bdae n hers together... we going to watch movie.. after tat she say we go eat cake.. den go anywhere i feel like going.. haha..


~16 NoVemBEr 2004~
hMm.. At lAsT iM 16.. NOw CaN wAtcH nC16 hoRrOr moViEs.. yEaH2.. hAhA.. hMm.. dUnNo waD tO wRitE 2DAy.. aCtuALLy Got BuT itS eIThEr iM laZy tO tyPE oUT noW oR nO tiME cOz nOW hArI RAYa.. HaHa..


Sunday, November 14, 2004

~HARi InI hArI RaYA~
Today the whole family woke up late at 11am.... cos the nite before we went back to 'kampung' for tahlil and came back at 2.30 in the morning.... Because of this none of us go for hari raya prayer.... Then we get ready to go to my grandparents house... Its already 1.30pm. We thought that our family will be the latest or the only one to be there...
But to our surprise all my aunt and uncle and cuzin are there except for two family... My older uncle's family have work ( on Hari RaYa!!) while my other uncle's family came in the morning....Soon after that we leave to go to my uncle's house (my father brother).... Well we went from all the way from Bedok to Chua Chu Kang... that a long journey....
Anyway the journey was interesting.... we took a straight bus... 67 in fact.... along the way there was a drunk chinese man boarded the bus...My family was sitted at the back of the bus watching the scenario unfold...He was making his way through the crowded bus.... There is no need for him to push through as people make a passage way for him as he reeks with alcohol....
Really at first sweet smell of grape wafted in the air... But as he gets nearer the smell gets stronger and it STINKS!!....As he staggering his way... he ask people to give the seat to...all of the terrified passenger ask him to go away... It was a pitiful sight....He holding 2 bottle of beer and a plain water.... as no one offer the seat he lean against the handle chair...
Ah! the lady who was sitting on the chair didn't dare to lean... with so much discomfort spell across her face, she turn around for her for help... ATlast a kind soul gives his seat for the drunk man....the lady turn to her fren and said something... but her hand gesture indicate that the drunk man stink... Back to the drunk man... he is so drunk that he sit on an imaginary chair.... that right, he fell.... he wanted to sit but miss the chair .... Cos he is too drunk he didn't bother to stand up.... But i think he is sleeping....
THe man who offered his seat went to help out and so was the man who was sitting beside him.... But in my opinion he doesn't want to sit next to the drunk man.... that why he help an stand up after that. and so the drunk man gets to sit with an empty chair next to him.... But that not the end of the story.... As the journey goes he create no trouble....Because he is sleeping....
But as our destination drew nearerhe did something that create discomfort for the passenger that sit behind him.... He sleep on two chair thats fine with me but it isn't fine when he lift up his leg and block the way.... HE supported his feat on to the handle.... imagine how stinky it must be cos the lady who seat there move to the back....
Anyway as no one going to leave Yet, no one said anything....But soon an Indian lady wanted to leave but his leg block the way.... Maybe she was thinking wheather to go under or over his leg... But the bus driver came over an woke the man up.... The driver was having difficulty to ask him to sit straight... After a while he sit properly... Remember i said that he was holding two bottle of beer... well it fell and roll to the door...
The driver kick to bottle out.... then the driver went back and continue the journey.... the drunk man stand up and went to the door, i think he was trying to find his bottles... then he went back to his seat and sleep in the same positon which was laying down.... We already at teck whye and alighting soon....when our stop arrive my father woke the man up and ask him to go home...
Telling him that he is a nuisance to the society... I don't think he even understand (my father spoke to him in malay)... Anyway i pass through with no hassle but can't say that for my mother.... when her turn come the man start to lift his leg... hehehe.... don't know what she did cos i have already alighted.... That the last of the drunk man on bus 67....At my uncle house, my fav cuzin was there...
She werking as a make up artist.... just doing a make over for a person can cost $300... Wow that EXpensive... But this including buying the product... Then she did a make over for me and my sis... Its Superb!! But too bad we have to remove it when we gets home....Then after that we went to my aunt house at Bukit Panjang.... My old neighbourhood.... a while until dinner is serve... after that we went home....


Friday, November 12, 2004

mY bRothEr iS sICk..
hMm... mY bRo's TeaChEr caLLeD jUZ noW aND sAiD thAt mY LiL bRothEr iS haVinG a HiGh fEvEr.. So mY sIS WeNT tO hiS sChoOl aND fEtCh HiM hoME.. i WaS sLeEpIng At tHAt TiME, aRouND 9 oR 10am.. nOW..My BRo kEpt vOmiTtiNg.. hoPE hE rEcoVEr fASt, haRi rAya Is OnLy 2 DaYS aWay.. oK laH.. mE wAnt SeE hoW hE's FEeLinG rIGhT NOw..


tImE fLiEs vErY fAsT.. OnLy tWo moRe DaYS tO haRi rAYa.. i ThOUghT sTiLL goT oNe mORe wEeK oF fAsTiNg.. hAHA.. CAnt waIT tiLL rAyA, coZ gEt tO sEe aLL My cUTe lIL cOUsINs wHO's sO aDoRaBLE, mY ReLatiVEs aND fRieNds.. hAhA.. =p.. hMm.. aNOthEr 4 moRe DayS tO mY 16th bIRthDay.. wOOoOo... i ThiNk 1St tiME bIRthDaY fAlLs DuriNG HArI RaYA.. Wow.. aHAKahAK.. oKIEs.. iM boReD aS uSuaL..


iM sTiLL vERy2 AWake.. hAvEn sLpt sINcE lAsT NItE.. i tINk iM bEcoMing a NOctuRnaL.. Coz sINce LAsT MOnTh oR tWO mOntH aGO, i DiDn't SlEeP aT NiTe, aFtEr 7aM thEn i SlEep.. thEn wAke uP aRouND 11aM.. iF gO oUt tHen i WakE Up eArLieR.. SiNce I cAn'T SlEeP, i SpEnd My tIMe AloNe (cOz eVeryOnE's aSlEeP..) wAtChiNg Cd, rEaD bOoKs, cHAtTinG wIF aNYoNE's wHO's OnlINe aNd rEaD PeoPLe's pRoFilE aT fRieNDsTEr.. iM sOoo BORed..


Wednesday, November 10, 2004

HmM.. mEeT mICheLLe aT taMpiNEs iNterChAnge aT 2pm.. shE's lAtE foR 15MIns.. luCkiLy 15mIns onLy.. wHEn sHE aRriVEd, sHE's weT cOZ iTs rAinINg cAts And Dogs Juz nOW.. iM not wEt cOz whEN i ReAcheD, iT haVen sTaRt rAinIng yEt.. lUcKY mE.. HAha.. dEn aFtEr thaT wENt tO tAmpIneSs MALL.. wE wEnt ShoPpiNg.. wE boUghT wAteVA wE fElT lIke buYinG.. lIKe clOthEs.. MIcHElLE bOuGHt a FEw tOps wHIle i ONly bOUghT onE.. HAHa.. dEn wE tOoK a BuS.. WeNT to BEdoK.. thEn wAlk2 aGaiN.. i BOuGht a sHOe.. ahaHA.. dEn TaKe BUs aGAin... gO tAmPINEs MaLl aGaIN.. wAlk2.. dEN wEnt tO mONtiP.. sHE boUght An eArIng aND i BOughT a sUMtINg lIKe a KEychAin BuT iT iS mEaNt foR hP.. dUnNO wAd'S itS cALl.. sO nVm.. dEn LoOk aT thE tiME.. iTS aLReADy 6.40pm.. aRounD thEre.. TheN i ReMEmbeRed tHAt i nEed tO gO hoME aND heLp mY MOm iN thE kITchEN fOR brEak mY fAst.. sTiLL fASting MOnTh mAh.. HEhe dEN i rUShEd HOmE.. rEaCHed HomE aT aBOUt 7+pm.. thEN eaT cHIcKEn rICe foR brEak fAst.. hMm.. NiCe.. haHA..


Thursday, November 04, 2004

iM bOrEd.. VErY bOrEd.. TheN FriEndSteR GOt PrObLeM.. AlL MY tEsTIMOnIAl's GoNe....NOt OnlY mINE.. My fReN's 1 too.. Its BeEn a LoNg tIMe sINcE i UpdAtE thIS bLog.. So.. hErE i Am.. uPdAtINg ThiS bLoG, wRintiNg wAteVer i FeEl lIKe wRiTing.. But tHen AgaIN.. a BlOg IS sUPpoSe To BE aBOuT wHAt i FeEl lIkE wRITIng... EH.. Wad aM i TaLkINg aBoUt?? Nvm.. wOooOooo... i Tink i aM vErY boReD.. oKIes... CiaO 4 noW..


d U N 4 g e T 2 t A g
H Ere*
H is for Humorous
I is for Innocent
D is for Distinguished
A is for Athletic
Y is for Yummy
A is for Altruistic
H is for Hot
What Does Your Name Mean?

*__M e *
iM a HapPy-gO-LucKy gERL hU lOVEs To smILe..

*__L O v E *
x mY faMiLy x
x My fReNz x

*_H aT e *
x BaCksTaBeRs x x LiArs x x HEaRtleSs PeOplE x

*W is H iNG Li St *
x HaVe a neW Hp
x PasS mY "O" LevELs
x mAke eVErY1 aRouNd mE HApPy
x gOt lOts oF moNeY tO gO sHOpPIng

*m e m o r i e s *
*wHEn sPEndIng tiMe iN pRi sCh wIf mY beZ fReNs, hErLyNa & sHAfiKa..
*sPEnD tiME wIf mY cLosE fReN fROm wSsS, FiFi..
*haNg oUt wIf mIchElLE Q aND mY cLosE fReNz fRom cCsS
*wENt Out wIF mY fReNz to JaLAn rAya..
*hAnG oUT wiF mY siBliNgs
*hAng oUt wiF cuZiNs

*a C H i e Ve *
x September 2004
x October 2004
x November 2004
x December 2004
x January 2005
x February 2005
x March 2005
x April 2005

*___L in k s *

x sHikIn aKa iKin
x zUrAh akA @nGeL
x rUqAyYAh aKa RuQ
x Li JuAN
x mR aZrEeN aKa aBg aYiN
x MiRa
x DaEnG
x FaZiR
x MizZiE
x JeFfrY
x aMaNinA aKa sOtz
x CT
x SyIkEeN
x Li JuAN mUlTiPlY
x AzYAn
x MeI Yi

*_c r e d i t s *

x BlogSpot
x BlogSkins
x dolliecrave
x GiRl ZoNE


Video code provided by MusicVideoCodes.com