Monday, February 28, 2005

ReLeaSiNg oF O'LvL rEsUlT...
ThE tOp SCoReR iS fRom sEc 5 LAsT YR... hE gOT 9pts... wOw! i WaNt hIS bRaINS!! AhAKz... ThEn fOlLOwEd bY duNno Hu, a boY... fRom sEc 4eA oR 4Eb.. goT 11pts, thEn fOLloWeD bY a Boy aGaIn i TiNK hu goT 12ptS aNd 2 GERLs, i 4gOt thEiR nAmEs, goT 13 & 14 pts... wOw, wOW & wOW.... i DuNno iF i caN gET TAt kInd oF rEsuLt oR nOt.. tHey gOt aLot oF dIStincTiONs, wHich i caNT pRoBaBly aChIEvE... i caNT eVeN geT B3 fOR sCiEncE, mT, eNg, ComBiNED HuMAniTiEs... HAHakzz... *BlUEk* iM sO sCaReD.... i OnLy gOt 8 MonTh b4 tAkIng mY O's... 8 MOntH iS vErY lItTlE.. hAIz...


Thursday, February 17, 2005

i aM fEeLiNg VERy vEry tiRed.. juZ noW iN sCh goT miGrAnE.. NOt sTiLl gOT.. heAd fEeLs lIke iTs gOiNg tO buRsT.. duNno y.. WeNt foR neTBAlL pRaCtIcE jUZ noW bUt i OnlY sAT dOWn aND wAtcH, coZ gOT mIgrANe aNd fEeLs lIke BAnGiNg my hEaD oN tHE wALl sO thAt thE pAin wOulD sToP, BuT iF i BaNG mY hEaD oN tHE wAlL, Im jUz MaKin iT wORst.. HAha.. sIgh... dID sOMe teSt oNliNe jUZ nOw, coZ goT NothIng BeTTer tO dO.. actUally thErE iS.. mUst ReVIsE mY sCh wORk.. bUt tHat's goIng tO mAke mY hEaDaChE woRsT.. iTs liKE ruBbiNg SaLt tO thE wOUnd.. YaWn... iM sO tiRed.. i WaNt tO sLeEp... BuT HaVe tO dO maTh PaSt yR PaPErs fOR hW.. Oh yA.. Juz NOw mS kAur GaVE mE, NaDia, LiJuaN aND mIcHELLe cUTe haIR ruBbeR bAnDs.. mE & nAdIa ReCEiVE tHE ONe iN bLue wHIlE lIjuAN aND mIcHElLe rEcEivE pInk coLoUr.. iTs NicE... sO sWeEt oF yoU Ms KAuR.. (wINks..) =).. SiGh.. i fEeLs lIke BuyIng a nEw hP... bEeN uSINg thE cUrrEnt Hp fOR 2 yRs aLReAdy, My SiS HaVe aLReAdy cHAnGe a NEw1.. i 1 iT tOo bUt gOt No $$$.. bUdGEt nOt eNuf.. =p i WaNt NeW hp LAr...


You Have A Type B+ Personality

You're a pro at going with the flowYou love to kick back and take in everything life has to offerA total joy to be around, people crave your stability.
While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity.Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's doneYou're passionate - just selective about your passions


aNOtHEr ONlIne TeSt.. aHaKz.. i AcT lIke aN 19 yRs OlD?? iM oNlY 16..

What Age Do You Act

You Are 19 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.


You Are A Realistic Romantic

You are more romantic than 60% of the population.

It's easy for you to get swept away by romance...But you've done a pretty good job keeping perspective.You're still taken in by love poems and sunsetsYou just don't fall for every dreamy pick up line!


Your Dominant Intelligence is Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
You are great at finding patterns and relationships between things.Always curious about how things work, you love to set up experiments.You need for the world to make sense - and are good at making sense of it.You have a head for numbers and math ... and you can solve almost any logic puzzle.
You would make a great scientist, engineer, computer programmer, researcher, accountant, or mathematician.


Your EQ is


50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!
51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.
71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.
91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.
111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.
131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.
150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.


How Your Attitude Ranks
Your Attitude is Better than 85% of the Population
If you scored...
80-100: You've got a winner attitude. You're always optimistic and cheery. Your personality will get you far in life.
60-79: You have a good attitude. While a realist, you do see the positive side of most things. People love to be around you.
40 - 59: You have a positive attitude... somtimes. You prefer to see the world through clear glasses, not rose colored ones.
20 - 39: You have an average attitude. You take the good and bad in life as they come. Though sometimes you could use a little more good.
0-19: You have a negative attitude. You tend to see the dark side of every situation. Free ice cream? No thanks, it will just make you fat!


Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Im sUppOsE tO dO my Hw.. BuT i DiD IQ tEsT OnlInE... hAHa... tHIs iS mY ReSuLt...

Congratulations, hidayah !Your IQ score is 118

This number is based on a scientific formula that compares how many questions you answered correctly on the Classic IQ Test relative to others. Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.

aHAkz... 118.. IzziT aVeRaGe oR sTupId?? hMm.. NExT tIme iM goIng tO do EQ tEsT..


16 FeBrUaRy 2005
AfTEr sChoOL, aT 2.20pm, tHe foOD anD nutRiTiOn sTudEnTs aTtEnD a FoOd BioTeChNoloGy CouRsE... It WaS QuiTe iNtErEsTiNg... We gEt tO ExPErImEnT MaKiNg oUR oWn tOfU, YoUhURt aNd rOoT BEeR.. We aLsO nEeD tO SaMpLe tHe dIffErEnt KiNd oF cHeeSe, rOoT BEeR, sArSi aND diFfErEnt KiNDs oF yOugHurT.. sOME TaStE yUckY WhiLE sOMe sMELls sMeLly.. tHe CouSe fInIShEd aT 5.30pm..
tHeN i vOuLeNtEreD tO moP thE fLoOr aNd wIpe thE TaBlEs.. i HAVEn fIniSh MoPInG thE fLoOr BuT TcHEr SAy "iT oK, u cAn StoP NoW aND gO hoME" sO i WaShEd my hAnDs, aND ToOk mY BAg aND lEfT.. ReACHeD hOme At 6.30PM.. vErY TireD... TheN HaD A bAtH And Do Some Of THe MaTH Hw.. STIlL Got A FeW QuEsTIoN To Go.. i StIlL nEeD tO dO eNGlISh sUmMAry AnD cHEmIsTrY 10 yRs sErIEs... SiGh.. 2mORo iS GOiNG tO bE a LoNg DaY aGAiN..
gOt NEtBaLl pRaCtiCE.. sUrELy rEaChEd HoME aRouNd 7pm.. SiNcE SChoOl ReOpEn, i DiDnT cHAt On mSn.. CoZ mY MSN sErVer iS dOWn, TrIEd tO ReiNsTaLl But StIll CaNt opEn.. sO noW i GiF uP... hMm.. sO tAT mEaNs i Can sUrVive wIThoUT mSn.. aHAkz.. If NoT iM gOINg tO bE oNliNE 24/7... HEheHE... mAybE mY cOM nOe tHAt iM gOINg tO cHAt oNlY, sO iT pUrPOsElY pUt vIruS oN mY MSn sO thAt Now I sPENd mY tIMe pRePaRiNg foR my O's ThIS yR... hMm.. MAyb..
Juz NoW aNdY khoO gaVE mE a sOuVeNiEr fRom ThAiLAnd i tHiNk.. iTs nIcE.. THanKz aNdY!! oH yA.. tHE dAY b4 YesTerRDAy gOT bAcK mY mAth TeSt 2... YePpY.. PaSseD wIF fLyINg coLoURs... i IMprOVE bY 1 mArK.. Haha.. GoT 86/100.. NaDia alsO iMpRoveD aLoT... aND i MeaN aLot... sHE gOT 82/100... So HaPpy fOR heR.. keEp uP thE gD wOrK nAdIa... i WiLl cOntiNuE tO tEach u k.. lIjUan & mIcHELLe diDnt Do WeLl.. hEy, NExt tiMe dUn gIF uP lAr... dUn sLp k MiChELlE.. aNd fIniSh uP ALL thE qUeStiOns..
kLaH.. i beTtEr sToP hErE... neEd To fINisH uP mY hOmEwOrKs.. oKiEs.. bUbYe.. Gd nITe...


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

15 FeBrUaRy 2005
ToDay iS sUch a boRiNg daY.. WeNT tO sChoOL.. 1St pErIOd nEed Do 2 MAlay COmpReheNsIOn... -.-!! thEn mATh.. MaTh's Ok BUt goT HoMEwORKs.. HaiYa... thEn ReCeSs.. thE pLAcE wHErE mE, NAdIA, NisA aND MiChELLe's UsUAL sIT wEre oCcUpiEd bY thE sEc 1 BoYS... thEy LEfT thEiR baGs On thE cHaIr.. thEN wE pUt thEiR baGs sOMEwHErE eLSe aNd saT thErE.. aHAk... sO mEaN.. BUt Nvm.. aT fIRSt tHEy TaLK bACK tO Us Abt thEy bEiNg thErE 1St, itS tRue lA..
BUt sOMehOw thEy gIVE iN tO uS.. AhaKz... sO wE Sat aT ouR noRmAl pLaCE aND eAt.. AfTeR rEcEsS iS pHySic... aNWaR sAY tHaNKz tO mE, NaDiA anD mIcHELLe aGaiN fOR thE CARd anD gIFt.. hAHa... aFtEr thAt lEsSOn iS cHEmIstRY.. aS uSUal.. i DuN uNdErStAnd wAd thE tChEr iS TaLKiNg aBOUt.. 2Day.. DuNno y, HUZai & zaEeM sIt aT NaD's aND mY rOW.. huzAI siT bSiDe mE.. He CaN bE quiTE iRrITaTinG aT tIMes..
hMm.. tHEn We hAd CoMbiNeD hUmAnITiEs, ThE tCHEr iS aBSENt.. wOoHoo.. KEkEke... oUr rEliEf tChEr iS mS TeO.. sHE SaID wE cAn dO oUR oWn sElF-sTudY.. So mE & NAd dO oUr cHemIsTrY 10 yRs sErIEs, DuNno Y, oF aLL thE sUBJEcTs, wE dEcIdE tO dO cHEmIsTRy.. tHe tChEr wHO iS ReLiEviNg MRs ChEw TAugHt cHEmIStRy... sO sHE HElP Us iN oUR cHEm.. sHE's gOod..
We UndErStOod WhaT sHE's TeAcHIng.. NoW i NoE tHE dIffErEnCe bEtWeEn eXotHeRmIc aND eNdOtHErmiC.. HEHehE.. tHeN wE haD oUR lUNch.. NANnY iS fUnnY.. HaHA.. sO cUtE.. aFtEr luNcE wE HAd 2 PeRioDs(1.5hoURs) oF eNgLiSh... MRs Ho cHaNGe mY pLaCe & xiMEi's PlAcE.. NoW i SiT vEry FaR aWaY fRom NaDia aND mIcHeLlE aND liJuaN.. HaIyA.. iNfRoNt oF mE Is HuZAi, BeSIDe mE oN thE lEfT iS DaEng, BEhiNd mE iS xImEi -.-!! aND beSiDe mE oN thE rIgHT iS a GhOSt, no La.. ThERe's NO1 thErE.. wE dId cOmpReHEnsIOn...
aFtEr THaT wEnt HoMe... wHIlE WaItIng fOR thE bUs, thE sEc 1 GeRlz wErE sO kEcOh.. peRKARe kEcik NAk BEsaR2 kAn, Mcm Mak-nEnEk.. mAin tOlAk2, MCm bUdak KEcIk..Yg BuDaK sEc1 lAki Lak tOlaK kWn dIEr saMpAi mAin RoaD... AgaKnYE dIEr nAk KaWaNnYe MatI koT.. eNtAh eH.. BAs pUn DaH saMPAi.. dORaNg ToLAk2 nAk kEjaR baS mACAm 1St TimE nAmPAk Bas, kAlAu tAk KEjaR, DoRaNg taKKan daPAt cHAncE uTk nAik lAgi.. HAiz.. aPE naK jAdi nGan bUdAk2 sKArAng puN aKu Tak TAu.. HAhAkz..
=p oKieS.. iM tiReD oF cOmpLAiNiNg aLrEaDy, dUnNo wAd eLse To coMplAin aBOut... kLAh.. foR thoSe hU rEaD tHIs(fOR NoN-mAlAy - LijUan aNd mICh)... sOrRy cOZ THe PARagRaph oN tOp iS wRiTtEn in mAlAy.. HeHE.. iF u WaNt tO kNoW wAd i WRoTe, 2mOro iN sCh aSk ME k.. hAHa.. K.. sHaLl sToP hErE... CiAo..


Monday, February 14, 2005

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...................((.. ................

HaPpY VaLeNTINE's DaY...


Tuesday, February 08, 2005

RaYyAn & iKin Posted by Hello


Monday, February 07, 2005

haha.. Posted by Hello


ECP.. Posted by Hello


haHA... ikIn's fInGEr.. Posted by Hello


aLl tEeTh cAN BE sEen... Posted by Hello


GrOUp pIc.. Posted by Hello


oNlY mIch & RuQ lOokin At thE cam.. Posted by Hello


smiLy smIlY.. Posted by Hello


gRouP piC.. Posted by Hello


... Posted by Hello


hAhA... WaD iS nAdiA dOiN... Posted by Hello


mIch & RuQ Posted by Hello


mE- KhAi- MiCh Posted by Hello


NAdya & rUQ Posted by Hello


RuQ - ME - miCh Posted by Hello


rUQ & kHAi.. Posted by Hello


KhAI & RuQ.. Posted by Hello


uS aGAin.. Posted by Hello


mich & mE.. Posted by Hello


mich & me.. Posted by Hello


Posted by Hello


MiChELle & mE.. Posted by Hello


KHai & IkIn Posted by Hello


WaD's iKiN dOIn? Posted by Hello


d U N 4 g e T 2 t A g
H Ere*
H is for Humorous
I is for Innocent
D is for Distinguished
A is for Athletic
Y is for Yummy
A is for Altruistic
H is for Hot
What Does Your Name Mean?

*__M e *
iM a HapPy-gO-LucKy gERL hU lOVEs To smILe..

*__L O v E *
x mY faMiLy x
x My fReNz x

*_H aT e *
x BaCksTaBeRs x x LiArs x x HEaRtleSs PeOplE x

*W is H iNG Li St *
x HaVe a neW Hp
x PasS mY "O" LevELs
x mAke eVErY1 aRouNd mE HApPy
x gOt lOts oF moNeY tO gO sHOpPIng

*m e m o r i e s *
*wHEn sPEndIng tiMe iN pRi sCh wIf mY beZ fReNs, hErLyNa & sHAfiKa..
*sPEnD tiME wIf mY cLosE fReN fROm wSsS, FiFi..
*haNg oUt wIf mIchElLE Q aND mY cLosE fReNz fRom cCsS
*wENt Out wIF mY fReNz to JaLAn rAya..
*hAnG oUT wiF mY siBliNgs
*hAng oUt wiF cuZiNs

*a C H i e Ve *
x September 2004
x October 2004
x November 2004
x December 2004
x January 2005
x February 2005
x March 2005
x April 2005

*___L in k s *

x sHikIn aKa iKin
x zUrAh akA @nGeL
x rUqAyYAh aKa RuQ
x Li JuAN
x mR aZrEeN aKa aBg aYiN
x MiRa
x DaEnG
x FaZiR
x MizZiE
x JeFfrY
x aMaNinA aKa sOtz
x CT
x SyIkEeN
x Li JuAN mUlTiPlY
x AzYAn
x MeI Yi

*_c r e d i t s *

x BlogSpot
x BlogSkins
x dolliecrave
x GiRl ZoNE


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